To all our family and friends far and near
We wish you a Very Merry Christmas
and everything you could wish for in
On Sunday 14th November I woke up feeling 'not very well' and we called for an ambulance.
The video, if it works, will tell you briefly what happened. It was a dedication for me from our son Mark on the Jo Whiley show Radio 2 just before 8pm on Tuesday 23rd as I was being discharged from hospital.
I expect this news will be as unexpected to you as it was for me and my family.
I arrived at the Royal Stoke University Hospital at about 8am and within half an hour went into cardiac arrest. After CPR that obviously saved my life it was discovered that I'd had a pulmonary embolism to both lungs. The blood clots needed to be gone. Two choices - a: a very powerful, potent clot busting drug that I may not survive or b: leave it and see what happens. The risks of not having the drugs far outweighed those of having the treatment.
With George and our two children we discussed the options and realised there really wasn't one - option 'a' it had to be. The process took two hours. I just shut my eyes and let it all happen while my family was at my bedside.
I have been told by several professionals that not many people survive this treatment after cardiac arrest.
I am one very lucky lady - so glad to be alive.
I've been home now for nearly 3 days and my breathing is getting back to normal slowly and my strength starting to return.
What have I learnt from this?
Live the best life that you can, you never know what's around the corner.
Make sure that those who you love know that you love them.
This sort of thing can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
A great opportunity to purchase a property in Buxton within easy reach of the canals - Macclesfield, Peak Forest, Ashton, Bridgwater, Huddersfield, Rochdale, Bugsworth Basin.
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George and I were 20 years old in 1969 and very newly married when we first moved to Lincoln so looking for familiar landmarks was the order of the day. Barclays Bank was still where it was when I worked there but the cinema over the road was now a fashion shop. There was not much else in the centre that came back to me. It is now very much a University City and so much has changed over the past 50+ years.
Of course there was a particular walk that we needed to do ...