Wednesday 23 March 2016

You may have noticed ...

… it’s been a while since I last blogged; we’ve been moored up at Uxbridge and been doing not a lot! 

We hired a car on one day and ventured over to Watford to collect a chair for Goldilocks (me) because our sofa is too soft and our sofa-bed is too deep for me to sit comfortably for more than a short time.  I’d chosen a Parker Knoll Froxfield Wing Chair and it is soooo comfortable (for me anyway!) 

We’ve also been boat sitting for Diane and Ray whilst they went on holiday ‘up north’ they’ve not blogged for some time now but I hear that there’ll be a catch-up post soon.

We’ve spent some time sitting on the back deck under the pram hood in the afternoon’s warm sunshine with the occasional glass of wine as well as time inside by the fire on the gloomy, wet days.

And some really sickening news for me when on Monday afternoon this week whilst walking Molly with George on the recreational ground here at Cowley my wedding ring slipped unnoticed from my finger.  Because I didn’t notice it missing until later we weren’t completely sure that I had lost it when outside but a comprehensive search of the boat didn’t bring it to light.  Of course several searches were made at the park to no avail and then yesterday the grass there was cut so we gave up.  After 47 years of wearing that ring I was gutted to have lost it and am still hoping that it will turn up in the fridge or freezer or somewhere silly sometime in the future so that I can admit to a ’senior moment’ and have the ring back, but I don’t think that will happen.  {Edit} Great news … 11:45 this morning I found my ring in a bedside drawer!!!! Happy now!

Tuesday was a good day though.  It took my mind of other things when I took an overground train into London to meet up with Sue at London’s Olympia for the Ideal Home Show.  There was lots to see, far too much for the time we were there, the place is vast!  I’ll let the pictures tell the story ...
Sue and I had a lovely time, buying a few items and looking at lots of interesting and sometimes strange ‘stuff’ on sale as well as catching up with past and planned boating events. We’ve not met up since late September 2015 and here saying ‘cheerio to them both.  Looking forward to the River Thames this summer when we’ll cruise with them on their brand new No Problem XL along with quite a number of narrowboats also heading in the same direction, really can’t wait!
All too soon it’s time to get back on the train from Barons Court to Uxbridge, a journey of about 40 minutes and then a bus ride to Cowley where George and Molly were waiting at the bus stop for me.

I’d bought George a present at the show (it’s his birthday on Saturday), nothing big or ostentatious …

… remote controlled ...
Molly would have liked to attack it but she’s a real scaredy-cat as the short video below shows ...


  1. That's a bummer about the ring, I think its going to be party-time on the Thames this summer with the amount of boats heading down there
    Paul xx

    1. It will be party time Paul, but two special people won’t be able to be there and that’s you two! By the way, just updated the blog - found my ring in a drawer whilst packing to go away for the weekend, so good news. Very best wishes to you both. xx

  2. How naughty of you to tease Molly like that... LOL
    Great news about your ring, thank goodness :)

  3. It sounds as if you've had a very pleasant time and I'm so glad you found your ring! Poor Molly, I hope she isn't traumatised for life :)


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