Tuesday 15 March 2016

Retracing our steps

 Leaving our mooring yesterday morning just after 10

 … and passing Willow Tree Marina
The feeding frenzy continues at Southall, not sure what it is they’re eating.  This isn’t the towpath side so someone from the factory here must be feeding them too.  It’s a pity to see so many juvenile swans here, they probably know nothing about finding food for themselves and will perhaps never know.
It was a very pleasant cruise as we approached our next stop at Bulls Bridge Tesco where I finished our big shop whilst George filled the water tank (it needed it after all the wash loads).

An hour or so later we were on our way again.
 The Grand Union Canal just north of Bulls Bridge has always been a magnet for rubbish and today was no exception.
No, that’s not a seascape!  I took the picture, greatly magnified, to see if this problem was solid or not so that we could cruise round it safely as it was under the railway bridge.
 This was it as we passed safely by
Just look at the size of those pillings, it must be a big structure going up near West Drayton, I wonder if it's this Crossrail project.

The sun certainly had some warmth in it today but the easterly wind had a wicked bite to it in the more exposed parts but all in all it was a good cruise.  We’re now moored at Uxbridge.


  1. Really enjoying following your travels and seeing what has and hasn't changed since we were there. Shame about the rubbish - some things just don't seem to change!
    Happy Easter from Charles and Pam (wb Xenia)

    1. Thank you both and a Happy Easter to you too.


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