Thursday 20 August 2015

There really is nothing better ...

… than messing about on the river!
 BBQ in the rain … no problem!
 Lesley, Joe and George tucking in and Lisa, David and I were doing the same but over here!
 07:15 and we’re reversing from our beautiful mooring on Guilfords Shalford Water Meadow

 Joe and Lesley are waiting for us to pass so that they can take our still-warm mooring! David is also up and about early

 Lisa though hasn’t set foot outside yet.
 Swan family just waking up in the park

Here’s Lisa doing her early morning run; with a camera?
 I think they may be wondering where we’ll wind (turn) as we’re still going astern just now.  That’s a lot of rubbish there ...
 … did he/she really need to leave all this lying around?
 Lisa and David are very kindly locking us down Millmead
 That’s us winding (turning)

 Putting their backs into it!  Thanks guys it has been lovely to meet you both and sincerely hope we can repeat the past couple of days another time!

 Good-bye Debenhams and Guildford town
 Shortly after leaving Town Wharf we stop at Dapdune, where two boats had moored overnight at the water point - something that seems to happening frequently just now. After double mooring and filling up the tank we set off again, we’ve a long way to go today.

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