Wednesday 19 August 2015

The visitors ...

… were due to arrive about midday yesterday, so we took a walk to Millmead Lock but they were nowhere in sight so we turned and walked back to Still Rockin’ across the water meadow
 … from there we can see St Catherines Chapel over the river up the hill
 … and looking back just the top of Guildford Castle
 Across the River Wey as we walk I spy this notice, a development of 2-bedroomed apartments being built at the top of the hill
 … I wonder if they will have any decent views over the trees?  For more info click here
 … and here they come!
George and Lesley had communicated (but sadly not in the same language) and hence Lesley and Joe walked over to the ‘other’ towpath opposite the moorings!
 … they eventually found the bridge back over to the meadow!  The rest of the visitors have now been informed that we’re moored on the same side as they are!
After a few glasses of vino and a gander round the big boat they’re ready to head off, but they’ll be back … a bbq is brewing for this afternoon, possibly in the rain, but as those who know us, nothing deters George from his bbq!
(l to r George, Lesley Amanda, Lisa  , Joe and David)


  1. How did the BBQ go? We took Molly to the vets for her jabs this morning then went to Trentham Gardens. It was lovely and warm at first but the clouds came over and you could feel the damp! Still, the rain kept off until we got home and then it never stopped! Still going strong! Hope your afternoon was better than ours, love to you all. Xxxx

    1. We had a great time Sandra, we bbq’d in the rain!!

  2. Thank you so much for letting us snoop in cupboards and drawers. We loved the boat and shall be ordering one in due course.
    Lisa x

  3. PS The others were a bit slow at the can-can look were't they?


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