Friday 21 August 2015

Guildford to Send

We’ve left Dapdune Wharf and continued to cruise the outskirts of Guildford ...
 … and this is our next challenge ... Stoke Bridge.  Last time we came this way we had to dismantle the navigation aerial and it’s still down on the roof but with all the rain over the last few days the water is a few centimetres higher and flowing faster … will we get through today?
 It looks impossible but slowly the handrail slips under
 … and we’re in with just an inch to spare, thank goodness!
 The sun is trying to show its face but the cows are sheltering in the trees

Stoke Lock is open, let’s hope they all are today!

 … it’s a bit leaky too
 Bowers Lock - we reported this tree across the entrance when we first came on the Wey and I know it’s been reported before then, but it’s still here making life very difficult for long narrowboats and wide beams.
 This one is leakey too!

Broad Oak Bridge is next, we need to take the left-hand arch but keep away from the silt at the bank, keep away from the weir on the right as well as get around a right-angle left-hand bend!  

I can think of better places to moor a hire boat they will have problems getting out I fear

 Safely round the bend

… and the River Wey becomes very scenic

… as it twists and turns towards
 … the very pretty Send Church in the middle of nowhere

Things get a bit busy at Send Church footbridge but we pass okay just paper-width apart!

… when low and behold here comes another one!

… and there was yet another boat in Triggs Lock

The outfall at Triggs Lock from the all the rain over the past few days is fierce and for the next 200-yards or so it pushed us into the trees a couple of times as we tried to negotiate the left hand bend in this meandering river. 
 Purple Loosestrife makes a brilliant splash of colour in all the green
 Another very sharp bend.  I did wonder if the cyclists stopped to view a mishap as we turned, if so I’m sorry we disappointed them!
 Two very nice but very different properties on the corner as we now approach
 Worsfold Flood Gates which are left open currently
 … where this garden has always fascinated me
… and just a short distance away at 12:15 we reached our destination - The New Inn at Send and find this boat well moored up - to the trees - it was also moored like this when we were here a few weeks ago.


  1. See you didn't have your forward pilot boat on your return trip and Sir want's to know why George wouldn't wait for a hug from him before you took off! He is a bit upset now!

    1. We missed our pilot Sue, but managed quite well! George says Vic can have as many hugs as he wants when we see you next, but .... No tongues!


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