Friday 20 July 2018

A celebration!

Friday 13th was a brilliant day!  Me, my daughter Sharon and youngest grand daughter Alice went by car to Braehead where we met up with eldest grand daughter Louise for some serious shopping ... except they're not serious at all!  I've never laughed so much on a shopping trip before ... it was great fun!
It was bbq time in the evening

Son-in-law Joe lighting the chimenea about 7:30 ... it was cooling down a bit

Diesel coming to say hello
Saturday 14th July ...
Happy Birthday Alice ... let the celebrations begin!

Before the party could be begin photo's were the name of the game ...
Four grandchildren in a line ... from the left ...
Louise is holding her phone with a picture of her beloved Rob who couldn't be with us today ... Joanne with boyfriend Bryan ...  birthday girl Alice and Adam with girlfriend Jen
That's about as serious as they come!

Next Mum and Dad join them ...

and a family conference takes place ...

they'll settle down soon ...
nearly there ...
It's a good one!  Alice, Joanne, Louise, Adam, Sharon and Joe

and then it all goes pear-shaped again!
Nana and granddad's turn now ...
Off to the party then ...

There were a few young (but all over 18) sore heads in the morning but everyone had had a great time.

It was late morning (Sunday) by the time we were all up and dressed and it was also raining (what's that all about?) when Sharon, George and I took the dogs out for a walk and to bring back the cars that we used last night and left at the party venue.  (No pictures though because of the rain).  Later in the afternoon I took over the kitchen to cook roast beef, roast potatoes and yorkshires for seven (Louise was 'on placement' ... she's just about finished her nursing training and is now a qualified Staff Nurse (we're so proud of her) and had a very enjoyable meal with lots more laughter!

Last but not least of our daughters family is ...

 is Dave ... the cat that rules the dogs!

Monday we were all up early as it's time for us to leave. 

We left Largs at about 7:30, and on a sad note, we attended a family funeral in the afternoon in Stoke on Trent and arrived at our son Marks house abut 5:30. The bbq was lit and soon moved under the shelter of the tree (raining again) but just like his dad, rain has never stopped Mark and his family from having a bbq if that was the plan!  We left Marks early on Tuesday morning and drove back to Abingdon arriving about 10:15 to move Still Rockin' onto the visitor moorings and return the car to Enterprise in Didcot.

What an absolutely fabulous few days we've had.


  1. What a gorgeous happy family!! Does it ever take in wonderment to think all those lovely people came from you and George?? Great photos Carol. Thank you for shari g with us.

    Love Jaq xxx

    1. It really does Jaq, every time I look at or speak to them all including son Mark's two too. Very blessed and proud of them all. Look after yourself, you're always in our thoughts. xx


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