Sunday 15 April 2018

Still here, still waiting ...

We're moored on a floating pontoon but before the pontoon starts to float the river has to rise about 12".  In my photos of 3rd April the pontoon had risen about 20" and between then and now the pontoon has settled onto its base for just one day and then risen again.  The red boards have stayed where they are.
13th April, it's a damp, dull day and I'm off walking into Henley and the pontoon is floating

All of Hambleden weir's 10 sluice gates are open and the water is fierce. 

The rushing water has brought down lots of rather large debris
But it is Spring!
As I cross the lock looking on my left I can see that the lower lay-by is completely submerged again

OMG what is that!
The water level though is going down (see April 3rd photo)

As I come to Temple Island I can see that lawn maintenance is going on and that the door is open and the light is on.  Through the window there appears to be stacked chairs.  Preparations have started for the Henley Royal Regatta
 During Regatta week this will become premier mooring - at a very premier price!

When I came to the swampy bit the area looked like a roving river of lush green stems and what I thought could be white bluebells ...
... but they were actually giant Galanthus (snowdrops)!
The rower is probably finding this quite easy but when he turns to go upstream against the fast current.  Regatta preparations here too.
A lucky shot!
The Private Members' Enclosure is now situated on the finish line
Not too far to walk now ...

... where spectator stands are going up
It's been quite a few weeks since I walked into Henley and because of the continued high water I was surprised to see this narrowboat
... and even more surprised to see this Le Boat (hire) moored which must have come all the way from Benson.

I continued into Henley for my bits and bobs and returned home on the bus.
Yesterday was a great day weather-wise, the sun was shining and its rays were so warm - what a treat that was!  While George worked I sat on the stern deck watching the world go by ...
... there was a Bicycle Race going on this weekend and I could see the cyclists wizzing by on the main road
A try-plane with German ensigns on it - it may have been this one
... and one of the many magnificent Red Kites flying this area

By the way ... the pontoon today is not floating!

I thought that you may be interested in seeing today's (14 April) River Thames Conditions - click on any picture to enlarge
As you can see, practically the whole of the River Thames is on red boards, the few on yellow (stream decreasing) only appeared on the site this afternoon.  The EA information reads :-
River conditions
Flows are still very strong but starting to level off and reduce on some reaches. Many weirs are still fully open and some tail lay-bys are underwater so completely inaccessible. Large items of debris are being carried by the strong stream. We strongly advise all boaters not to navigate in the current conditions. 

Today the weather has changed again, dull and overcast this morning, rain after lunch and now the sun is showing through the clouds.
We went for a short walk ...
 ... where 6 of the 10 sluices are now closed
... and the water level has dropped by another 12" but the water is still flowing with a lot of energy!
Below are the current river conditions

 So, when do we leave the marina?  The current date is Wednesday 18th April just three days away.  If the red boards for the Marsh to Hambleden reach only drop to yellow on Tuesday I still think that by the following day the water flow will still be too strong to be safe.  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. River height in our reach (Marlow to Cookham) is just about on summer levels now, but like you say the river is running fast still. I guess this reach will be on yellows tomorrow. They sure did let a lot of water down the river in a hurry during the last week. They know boaters are itching to start their season! x


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