Saturday 3 March 2018

Winter at Mill End

Wednesday (28th Feb) we had some quite heavy snow showers and with the bitterly cold wind we didn't stray very far from Still Rockin'.
 The nuts and seeds for the birds have usually lasted a couple of days
 but these last three days they've needed to be refilled every day, the birds are obviously feeling the cold
 This was the view outside yesterday (2nd March) when we had a bit more snow but gusting winds up to 40 mph and the outside temperature didn't rise above freezing
 George ventured out in all his cold weather gear to once again fill the bird feeders
 Mealworm for Mr Robin and the blackbirds although a pair of blackbirds have learned to eat from the coconut shell!
... and this was at 2pm today and the snow has nearly gone.

I know that the weather here at Hambleden Marina hasn't been nearly as bad as it has elsewhere in the country and we hope that wherever you are, wether you're boaters or non-boaters that the conditions are becoming better for you now too.  
Stay warm and safe.


  1. Blackbirds love apples, cut into quarters they pck all the flesh & leave the skins.

  2. Thanks for that Alf, not sure though if I put apples on the ground that the squirrel or a canada goose won't run off with it!!


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