Tuesday 6 March 2018

Getting ready ...

The snow has gone, the temperature is up, we've had a couple of sunny(ish) days and life goes on here at ...
Hambleden Marina winter moorings (Still Rockin' bottom centre)
 The Woodpecker (male has the red spot on his head) is still a regular visitor
 A Water Rail has popped up from under the pontoon a couple of times
 The squirrel's antics still keep us amused

We've not really noticed before but we actually have two Woodpeckers on the feeders, this one is a female (no red spot), brilliant!
 ... and getting ready? To move that is ... but not for another couple of weeks ... George has been itching to clean Still Rockin' and this morning he's made a start with the roof ... a job well done!

I've also been keeping this morning and taking the opportunity to have the flower boxes off the roof I've tidied them up a bit.  The Crocus and Iris are still blooming nicely and I can see a Snowdrop in each box (just one each at the moment) and also the leaves of the miniature daffodils and tulips coming through too.  The violas have been in flower for the whole of winter and will hopefully continue through the summer months.

 Red Kites can always been seen in the sky here
... and the Canada Geese come in pairs or groups nearly every day.

Off for a walk now ... see you later.


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