Wednesday 26 August 2015

Molly update

Thank you everyone who has commented on my last post (here on the blog and on FaceBook) regarding Molly’s health.  She was as pleased to see us as we were to see her when we went to bring her home on Monday afternoon.

Due to her suffering from separation anxiety she had been sedated whilst staying at the vets and she was still very drowsy for the remainder of Monday.

We’ve got a low fat diet food for her for the next few weeks to give her pancreas time to heal and settle down but she really is not interested in doing anything except sleeping. She’d not had a thing to eat since Saturday but yesterday she managed to eat a small amount and was drinking well but so far today she’s had only a little to eat but not had a drink so far. She’d been on a saline drip whilst at the vets to rehydrate her and it’s a bit worrying that she’s not drunk anything yet today.

The sedative seems to be wearing off a little now and a couple of times she’s half-heartedly picked up a toy to play with then lost interest again. She is certainly not feeling like her usual playful self.  We can only hope that she perks up a bit more over the next few days and I’ll update again then.

On the cruising front … we’ve moved up to Spellthorne moorings to sit out the rain storms forecast, and boy has it rained!  Tomorrow we’ll take advantage of the break in the weather to get to Windsor where we’re meeting up with old friends.

Sorry that the video I put on the last posting didn’t work but I think I’ve sorted it now … it was just so peaceful to watch this gentleman out on the Thames at Shepparton after the flurry of craft coming and going all day ...


  1. Hope your all keeping well and Molly starts to feel better soon xx

    1. We’re well thanks Garry. Hope you’re keeping your spirits us. Love to all xxx

  2. glad to hear that Molly is back with you. Hopefully, she will pick up when the sedatives wear off. Can sympathise with the whole "religion of peace taxi drivers not taking dogs" scenario. We've had that one ourselves. Amazing how many of them become suddenly 'allergic'. pfft.... Regards, K&S&B&O

    1. Thank you both, you’ve obviously been there, done that! Hope to see you on the Thames somewhere. x

  3. Good to hear that little doggie is a bit better.
    Paul and Elaine xx

    1. Thank you, we’re very relieved! Happy camping! xx


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