Thursday 27 August 2015

Just because we don’t need it … and Molly!

She’s feeling better!
She finally had a drink this afternoon, she’s eaten a reasonable amount of food, she’s done all her business and she’s out to play!

And the rest of today’s news ...

We left our mooring just after 8 cruising towards the lowering sky as we pass the Belted Galloways on the meadow

It’s throwing it down with rain as we approach Chertsey Bridge and Molly is sheltering in her box on the gas locker under a raincoat
 A very pretty boat, it looks as if it’s been to a regatta - anyone know anything?
 St Peter’s Church Staines
 … where fire fighters were very interested in this cruiser but we couldn’t see any smoke or fire.

Runneymead and trip boat Lucy Fisher moored near the new statue of our queen
 And just because we don’t need it … the best Runneymead mooring is available!
 Magna Carta Memorial taken from the river

The river started to get busy as we approached Albert Bridge where  the Crown Estate starts
 … and we see our first real view of the Castle!

Victoria Bridge has the royal coat of arms on the bridge piers
Eton College Church in the distance
We’d been warned by the lock keeper at Old Windsor Lock that Romney Lock had problems with its hydraulics, but we didn’t think it would be this bad.  The narrowboat invited us to pull alongside them, they at least had managed to ge there bow rope onto the lock landing.
Fortunately we didn’t have to wait too long.  It’s a good job that Romney Lock is big because it took all the boats waiting including 5 cruisers, the above trip boat, the narrowboat and ourselves!
It was just as bad as we exited the lock, there were 7 cruisers waiting to go down.
Arriving at Windsor Bridge
… and a fantastic view of the Castle but the queen is not at home today

It was 3:30 when we arrived and most moorings had been taken (cruisers leaving at least 30’ between them) but we managed to squeeze in just above the railway bridge, if a better space comes available tomorrow we’ll move along but this will do for now.


  1. The cruisers leave the 30ft gaps for little 25ft boats like ours :)

    1. Of course they do Rachel, but you weren’t here! Regards to you both x

  2. How long did it take for the bloke to jump on you for his 8 quid? Glad to see that Molly is feeling a bit better.

    1. Hi again Sheena, we arrived at 2:30 he came at 3:30 we booked from 3pm so not too bad. We’re fairly sure now that Molly is definitely on the mend. x

  3. Black Pearl has been buzzing around here today Carol...

    1. So no apparent damage done then! See you both later.


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