Sunday 2 November 2014

The wrong setting

 It was raining when we got up yesterday (Saturday) morning so we waited until the rain stopped and the sky brightened before readying to set off.  It was nearly 11 by then when George winded (turned) Still Rockin’ downstream 
 This narrowboat went past us last night at about 11pm so we were surprised to find it moored in the trees just a 100-yards or so further on, on just the bow rope with his stern mid river at 11am this morning.  I asked the chap on the back if all was ok and he told us that he was waiting for someone to come to him but at the moment he was ok.  I asked if he wanted us to do anything and he said no he was alright.
 This clock tower is way over towards Egham but I can’t find out what it is.  It doesn’t appear to be a church tower so I’m wondering if it’s part of the Royal Holloway University of London - can anyone enlighten me?
 If I lived in a house with a wonderful view across the River Thames, I really couldn’t sit with my back to it!!!
Approaching Bell Weir Lock with the very smart Runneymead Bridge downstream ...
... ready for lock maintenance on Monday at Penton Hook Lock
Loved the refractions and reflections of light under the bridge which is actually two bridges
Encountering lots of rowers as we passed through Staines
... and met this strange sight, the guy standing on nb Casanova’s roof is steering with his right leg on the tiller whilst moving the ‘house boat’ tied abreast.
A notice above Penton Hook Lock requires boats to swap sides (from right to left) going downstream to make the entry and exit from the lock safer. 
At Laleham the sun is dazzling and painful to the eyes and there’s a lot of smoke blowing across the river from someone burning wet wood and leaves
lovely ...
... if you can ignore the noise from the M3 motorway!
Approaching the last lock of the day at Chertsey
Looking back at Chertsey Bridge in the sunshine
That looks like a promising mooring and it’s near a pub too!
It was nearly 2 o’clock by the time we tied up above Shepperton Lock so decided that we’d give the pub the benefit of our presence and have a hot meal so that there was nothing more to do once we’d come back to Still Rockin’.

It had been a perfect day!

And ‘the wrong setting’??

... all these pictures were taken on the wrong one on my camera, I’d got it set to night views, but not too bad for all that!

Sunday has dawned dark, wet and windy and we’re so very glad that we moved yesterday and as with any home there are always jobs that need getting on with so that’s what we’ll do today.


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