Sunday, 6 October 2019

Quiet at Sonning

Not much going on here at Sonning ... we've had some pretty sunsets ...

 and cold days ... and caught up with odd jobs inside.

We've been out for short walks

along the local footpaths

towards St Andrew's Church

and The Bull pub

in the late afternoon
 and home again.
 We've seen steam Vessel Windsor Belle passing this morning 
(Sunday 6th) ...

and about 20 cruisers with crews in best bid and tucker and sipping wine, going upstream ... 

perhaps a marina marking the end of the cruising season.  They all returned about half an hour later.

Enough of this quiet and relaxation ... we should be on the move again in the morning.


  1. How lovely to be still on the move, Carol. It looks as if the weather's been fine for you too. It's done nothing but rain here for nearly two weeks. I'm watching my feet for signs of webbing! Looking forward to seeing your next move!

  2. We have had rain Val but mostly during the night.


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