Monday, 22 October 2018

A dull start ... an amazing finish ...

It was overcast on Tuesday (16th)  ...

as we left Runnymede for the last time this year

Passing some very impressive and rather lovely Dutch Barges as we continue upstream

First lock of the day at Old Windsor was still on self service but as I reached the lockside the lock keeper came on duty and took over the controls ... much quicker.
Approaching what we now call Turn Back Bridge ...
before entering Crown Estate where these guys were picking up fallen branches
and I get my first sighting of the castle

The Avenue of Limes are starting to show their autumn colours ...
and as I look back can see that the sun is doing its best ...
to disperse the mist and cloud

Under Black Potts Bridge a sharp left turn into Romney Lock cut where there's a lockie letting boats out and ready for us to enter

Out of the lock cut and there's a group of tourists on Windsor Bridge

and wow, this is the first time we've seen the free 24-hour town mooring available when we've actually wanted to moor and we pull alongside
Looking back from our mooring the weir on the left and lock cut on the right
Walking into Windsor
Looking good!
From across the river
We walked down High Street passing the impressive old Town Hall ...
to see the castle from a different aspect 
by the Royal Mews
The parish church of St. John the Baptist is on the left and we went inside ...

Looking along Church Street towards Windsor Castle

Back home to Still Rockin' and the view of the castle from the top of the steps and down onto the boat ... she looks huge!

We've booked a table at The George at Eton for our evening meal and a few minutes after arriving this happens ...

How absolutely amazing!


  1. A lot of fabulous photos Carole, but the last four are truly stunning. Jennie

  2. Great photos of Windsor. Can't wait to see your photos of Oz!

  3. Thanks Tom, I'm looking forward to those pictures too. What's the internet like in Perth? Could we use our wi-fi dongle?


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