Wednesday, 12 September 2018

A quiet few days ...

on the meadow at Medmenham
 Sunday 9th at 7am we were still watching walkers (wearing numbers) on the towpath opposite ... there are a couple of events happening here this weekend.
 The sky upstream was pretty this morning
 George could see the American stars under the wings on what he thinks it could be a flying fortress
 5 o'clock in the afternoon this is what we could see over the river ...

 Both lads climbing now ...
 My camera was not quick enough to see him go into the water but I think it was behind his boat out of my view ...

 the blurred figure behind the boat is the second jumper entering the water ...
 and the sky at 7pm that same night.

Nothing to report for Sunday 10th except a chicken roast for dinner!
 Dawn on Tuesday morning at 6:45 we were up and about
  ready to leave the meadow later ...
 but George vetoed the idea because of the forecasted high winds ... which didn't materialise ... 
so we both found jobs to do round the boat instead.

We'll try again tomorrow


  1. That was The Thames Path Challenge Carol. They came past us at Dorney and they came past us through the night as well!


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