Friday 6 July 2018

Visitors and an evening stroll

It was lovely to receive a message from Nicky and Keith yesterday to let us know that they were in Milton Keynes and would be crossing the Thames in their motorhome on their way home to Jersey and wondered if we were within visiting distance.  Being here in Abingdon we weren't far out of their way. 

They arrived late morning today (3rd July) and stayed for lunch.  We had the usual laughter and natter and catch-up before they left to continue their journey.  Sorry completely forgot to take any photos but here are links to a couple taken last year ...
It was great to see them and the boys again

It had been a very hot day and we waited until after 9pm before going for a stroll along the river bank

We could hear lots of football noise (England v Columbia) as we walked especially here opposite The Old Anchor Pub
where there was a big screen in the outside area.
This was as far as we walked, then turned and walked back

Getting darker now and the street lights are on

There's only about a 4' pathway between these two sets of houses

At the Nags Head
It was good to stroll in the cooler evening air after a busy, enjoyable day.

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