Wednesday 18 July 2018

On the move again ...

A late start on Tuesday and early afternoon (10th) we needed to go into Abingdon for a few bits and pieces.  As we reached the lock George went ahead to get rid of the rubbish at the services above the lock where Richie (lock keeper) told him that there'd been a cancellation on the lock mooring and if we wanted to we could move up today instead of tomorrow ...
so just before half three saw us pulling the pins and going downstream (the chanel below the lock being too narrow to wind (turn) Still Rockin') ...
towards ...
Abingdon Bridge
We needed to wind (turn) the boat here and purchase a new gas bottle from the chandlery below the bridge but it was not to be as the trip boat was moored there ...
so we completed the turn and headed back upstream to the lock ...
being careful of the swimmer ...
passing last nights mooring space ...
 and approaching the lock landing where a boat was coming down.
Looking back as we exit the lock
and reverse into the weir stream once again
This is Widgie the whippet, the lock keepers dog waiting for a biscuit while George gets out the umbilical cord (shore power line) ready to plug us in.  The remainder of the afternoon we finished the packing ... we're off again tomorrow!

Later in the evening the dragon and the canoe arrived and silently pitched their tent for the night.

Wednesday morning saw us waiting for Enterprise to collect us with our suitcases.  We're off to our daughter's house in Scotland stoping off for the night at our son's house before continuing our journey.

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