Saturday 28 July 2018

It's been a long time ...

... since we've been this way.
We left our Abingdon mooring yesterday morning (Thursday 26th) ... there's still a wet weather warning for Friday and the weekend.
 We continue upstream following a narrowboat

Lots of mooring just a few hundred yards away but many look as if they've been there for some time

Yes, indeed!

We're always on the  look out for wild moorings
George recognised this place ... some sort of rally track?
Motocross Track at Culham Park
Approaching Nuneham Railway Bridge
with Lock Wood on our right

Arriving at a junction and we need the channel to our left

Large bend here, keep going round!

Passing the pretty towpath (Thames Path) bridge and the boat house that belongs to this lovely house ...
and Nuneham House an 18th century palladian style house which belongs to Oxford University and is currently on longterm let to the Global Retreat Centre although in September 2016 it was put up for sale for £22 million.  Apparently the university is being 'tight lipped' about its purchaser/new owner.

Approaching Lower Radley boating club

Salters trip boat 'Goring' looks as if it's coming directly at us on this narrow(er) bit, but moves over in plenty of time

Widebeam boat Nostromo that was moored behind us at Abingdon is catching us up ...

and there are canoes both in front and behind us ...
as we approach Sandford Lock and I can see that the gates are opening for the narrowboat in front of us.
The first and last time that we were here in Still Rockin' was in September 2012 when we moored up for just one night on the visitor mooring below the lock just where the narrowboat above is reversing from before returning down stream the following day.
Today we're going up the lock ..
The narrowboat goes in and the I saw the lock keeper move the ropes of the boat already in the lock so that there's room for us to come in behind ... just need that canoeist out of the way! 
Coming in after us is the hire boat we saw leaving the lock mooring and he fits alongside us.

The lock keeper moves the other narrowboat up a bit so that the hire boat will fit ... and we're 'going up'!
The Kings Arms alongside the lock
Through the lock and we're now looking for a mooring space ...
which we find but can only get our stern in ...
if you look closely you may be able to see large coping stones which looked like this could have been a wharf in time gone by.
View from the stern ...
and the bow ... we're banging against those stones when the trip boats pass ... we'll see how we get on tonight.

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