Thursday 26 July 2018

A fab few days!

Lisa and David arrived early afternoon on Monday and after a welcome cold drink and quick catchup on Still Rockin' after their long journey they retired to WaL for a relax and we all met up again in the evening for a bbq (of course!)
 9:30 yesterday (Tuesday 24th July) before it became too hot we went to pick blackberries ... loads of them ... and happened upon this notice ... interesting!

Back to WaL when we returned, for coffee (and posh G&T's for some) after which it was time for lunch and a kip/nanny nap to escape the heat of the day (29°c).
 Lisa cooked an amazing meal for us in the evening which we ate alfresco on Still Rockin's rear deck until the sun started to set and the cameras came out ...

 Good company, good food, good chat and laughs ... what more could anyone need.
 05:30 this morning and Lisa is worshiping the sun as they leave ... places to go people to see
 The forecast for today is 30°c again ... just looked at the forecast for the next few days ... RAIN on Friday ... goodness me!

 Still saluting the sun off they go ...
Thank you both for coming to see us, we've had the best of days with you and look forward to seeing you again in the next week or so ... we have plans to make!


  1. Oh you've got some cracking shots of me!!! Thank you for a great weekend, was it a weekend? I can't remember. We'll catch up again later and tell George I'll get more tonics in stock.

    Lisa xx

    1. I can't remember either, it felt like a weekend anyway! We'll get the gin in! xx


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