Thursday 21 June 2018

We stayed!

Sunday (17th June) was a lazy day of doing nothing much, in fact nothing at all!  Though that was after being woken up at 4:45am by a demented swan swishing about and pecking on the hull for at least 5 minutes ... too awake to go back to sleep so it was a very early start to the day.  But at least no-one came to ask us to move on although I hadn't really enjoy the mooring at all except of course on Saturday evening with friends Karin and Peter.
 Monday was another early start with the above being taken at 05:30 as I was making the first cuppa of the day
 After a few false starts ... rowing eights, fours, twos, and ones either coming up or down stream ... we managed at 8:45 to slip across the lanes.  It was so good to be free again!
 Now over on the transit lane
(Mental note to self - no mooring at Remenham during June and July!)
 Looking down the Henley Regatta race course
 Now away from the racers who are in their own lane
 Passing Dunkirk Little Ship Llanthony
 Two way traffic in the transit lane

There's still lots of work going on for visitors to the Regatta which starts this coming weekend with the Ladies races and the main event on 4-8th July
 The river as we approach Henley is too narrow for three lanes so once again we have to 'remind' rowers to 'look where they're going!'

 The VIP Stand at the finish line

 Love this house right on the riverbank dated 1893 

Boat storage tents look like Brighton seafront!

 Free now of Regatta rowers

Posh boats - probably for ferrying visitors for whom money is no object during the regatta.

 Baling out after a night of rain
  The Pizza boat has moved to Henley from Marlow
 Plenty of mooring up this end of Henley

The Edwardian steam river launch Windsor Belle will also be available for hire during the festivities ... at a price!
 The self service sign is showing at Marsh Lock but in actual fact there was a lock keeper on duty
... it was a really tight fit in there with this cruiser in front of us.

 Continuing upstream ... nearly there

 George is reversing Still Rockin' into our mooring at Wargrave
 All moored up now.
 Unlike it was in September 2016, it is now very overgrown and we wondered if this was to discourage boats mooring here

This was our Molly's favourite place, she loved to 'fetch' thrown sticks from this little pool even when she was nearly completely blind.
 Two Greebes in the water lilies one minute
 and gone the next!
 only to reappear ... together!
George's photo of a brilliantly coloured Damselfly.

We really enjoyed the day.  We stayed here a couple of nights last year but it was too soon after losing Molly (in Nov 16) and the place didn't feel the same any more but this stay is more enjoyable, not quite so emotional.

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