Saturday 30 June 2018

That'll do for us ...

Our plan for Tuesday (26th) was to push on until we could find a 'free' (as in available and at no cost) mooring ... if not Cleeve (just half a mile away) then we'd carry on to Wallingford (5.5 miles) and keep our fingers crossed!
Although it was after 9 am there was no lock keeper at Goring and it took quite some time to see us through, there was a cruiser in front of us so I operated the lock.
Extremely slowly we made our way being very aware of these ladies on paddle boards.  I hope they get a bit closer together before we reach them although they are still on the wrong side (left) of the river going upstream
Although it's a better picture approached coming downstream I can't resist a picture of Goring Lock House in its delightful setting.
Still spread out and there's a boat coming towards them avoiding them by also being on the wrong side coming downstream!
There is a lockie on duty at Cleeve lock but there's no way we will fit in it with the two boats in front.
As the two boats enter the lock we pull alongside the landing to wait our turn.  Some of the paddle boarders can be seen trying to climb out of the water via the metal ladder to left of the lock entrance.
Whiling away time watching the underwater reeds glowing in the strong sunshine ...
and the light and shade on the waterlilies.
 Looks inviting ... that's exactly where I wanted to be!
Another supper-dooper relaxed day
tucked in very nicely on Cleeve meadow
 just a few walkers going past
what could be better?
Mum and the kids came to say hello
End of another brilliant day.

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