Tuesday 19 June 2018

Moving on ... is this right for us?

Friday (15th) dawned warm and sunny
as we pulled away from the meadow at Medmenham just before10
and continued on our way upstream
Perhaps there's a big event happening up on the hill, a wedding perhaps?
and happy campers below the hill on the river bank
We're not going far today after the entrance to Hambleden Marina (our winter mooring)
We saw notices way back in January that work was going to take place on Hambleden weir bridge where the platform was becoming unsafe, but because of the high water during most of the winter the work did not get done, until now it seems.
The lock was manned today and we were soon through.

We are to meet up with Peter and Karin from the marina on Saturday evening and had planned to moor on the first mooring available a few minutes cruise above the lock.  We had not realised that the river had been channeled for Henley Regatta so close to the lock and before our intended mooring.
Vessels transiting between Hambleden Lock and Henley Bridge are  requested to keep to the right, the remaining channels are for rowers coming downstream and then returning upstream. We don't want to go into or through Henley though yet.
We pull over to the right and continue slowly trying to decide what to do ... if we can't moor up we'll have to cancel our evening as Peter and Karin won't be able to get to us.
We can see another boat moored on the 'wrong' side and George decides to 'go for it'...
crossing the rowers channels to our mooring
We're exactly where we wanted to be ... but will some 'official' be along soon to ask us to move on?

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