Friday 1 June 2018

Comments update ... I've got comments, have you?

When I open my 'Comments'  on this blog I see this message, it appeared about 5-6 days ago.  

Blogger no longer supports OpenID. Existing OpenID comments and your OpenID settings may have changed. Learn more.

Since then I've not received any comments.  This of course is not unusual but what is unusual is that I've put comments on several other blogs and they've not been published.  It could be that blogs that I have commented on don't want, or feel the need to publish them and that's fine.  Or is because Blogger has changed and no longer supports the way I, or you, send and receive them?

If you know me via Facebook or know my phone number, please would you comment on the blog  (a nice one please) and then let me know via an alternative source?      Many thanks.


  1. Hi Mum! Doing a comment!!

  2. Thans Sharon and Sandra - got them!

  3. I had the same “warnings” but my sister recently commented on my last post since the warnings?

  4. Thank you Nev it does appear to be working.

  5. Try again. I've left a few comments for people and they've not been published recently. We've not had any emails alerting me to comments on our blog either, but I've just checked the awaiting approval comments and there are loads!
    Something odds been happening.
    At least it seems to be working for you now.
    Looked out for you yesterday when I was on the train, but didn't see you to wave.

  6. Thanks Pip I did wonder if your train was passing our way. Hope you had a great time. x

  7. Hope this comment from Perth, West Australia arrives. I'm using my Google Account ID


I do not publish anonymous comments - please leave your name.