Saturday 16 June 2018

12th June ... busy, busy ...

Tesco delivery done, frozen and fresh food put away and everything else left in carrier bags inside ...
it was nearly 11 when we untied from our mooring at Bourne End

Passing what I wish was 'my house' ...

half an hour later we reached Marlow lock where I could see there was a lock keeper on duty

We pulled over onto the lock landing by these flats to wait for whatever is coming down the lock
We recognise those anchors ... it's the hotel boat Magna Carta exiting very, very slowly having only inches to spare
... and to add to the fun, here comes Dutch Barge Jaqueline H behind us, they wait as there's not much room to pass here
Slowly does it ...
Less than 6 feet away from Still Rockin'

... as she inches past

Jaqueline H is still holding back as Magna Carta negotiates the channel: it's taken over 5 minutes for the hotel boat to exit the lock.
Marlow is a deep lock with a fall of 7'1"

My view from the bow about 10' from the lock gates ...

as the dutch barge comes in behind us, there's not much room in here!

The owner of Jaqueline H kept his engine running whilst ascending the lock to keep his stern canopy away from the gate's bridge platform.  George was hanging on tight to our stern rope in an attempt to stop the barge's anchor (only inches away from us) from touching Still Rockin' as the incoming water moved the boats forwards and backwards as the lock filled.

My view of the incoming water
All safe and sound and off we go ...
passing the next lock-full waiting to enter
Through Marlow ...
... where trip boat Oxford was in a hurry for the lock ... he'll have to wait his turn.
Hurley Lock next on self service and a wide beam single hander waiting on the landing to go up. I asked the owner of the widebeam how long he was and we decided that he should use the lock on his own as the lock wasn't long enough for both of us.
... waiting ....
As I operated the lock I got chatting to a family out for the day, grand-daughter and grandson with their grand-parents. Granddad was saying that the children hadn't seen a lock before (they live in the Alsace region of France) and I offered them a ride up the lock ...

I think they were enjoying it!

Bye!  It was lovely to meet you all.
Approaching Medmenham Abbey and not far from our destination ...
but I think there's already a boat in our favourite spot.
We continue alongside the meadow ...

Dutch Barge Fredrica is looking pretty decked out with flowers

Narrowboat Bascote and butty Gosport are also moored on the meadow
There was a narrowboat moored in our favourite spot so we continued a little further and found another ideal spot
Stern tied close and a long bow line
... but who cares
with views like these and apart from the sheep, it's peaceful too.

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