Friday 11 May 2018

Time to move on ...

Tuesday (8th May) looking back as we go for a walk, 9:15 is a bit too early for our cruise today

We walked towards Boveney Lock mainly to get rid of the rubbish as this will save us stopping when we move on, but also to check that there is enough room for us to moor on the visitor moorings round the corner for a Tesco delivery tomorrow morning.

Once that was done we decided to return to Still Rockin' via the cycle track.  I've tried to look up what these symbols mean unsuccessfully!
I wish you could smell this ... hawthorn and chestnut flowers ... very heady indeed!
Passing the rear of Boveney Church whose doors are left open each day from early morning 'till dusk ... well worth a visit.
Sycamore - probably introduced to the UK in the Middle Ages and now naturalised. Traditionally used by the Welsh for making Love Spoons
Tucked away - peaceful.

Can anyone tell me what crop this is?

We've arrive at Dorney Lake

and continue to follow our noses back to Still Rockin'
A really pleasant walk and there were only two small cruisers moored on the visitor moorings so we're good to go!

10:40 and we're off, it'll only take us 10 minutes!
Sod's Law!  Is that space at the end big enough for us?  Yes!
We love the fact that we change our views
 with each mooring.

Out of courtesy, George popped round to the admin office at Dorney to let them know that we'd booked a Tesco delivery in the morning (we'd done this before and there was never a problem, we'd always been thanked that we'd asked first.  But this time the answer was No! Oh well, time for plan B.

It's going to be another hot day so we spent it under the shade of the back canopy (pram hood), whilst I reorganised our Tesco delivery to our next mooring place and George snoozed, until just after 4 when we went for a short walk
to the lake once again just to stretch our legs a bit.
We've quite an early start in the morning.

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