Thursday 17 May 2018

Scaring off unwanted neighbours!

 Leaving Runnymede after a really lovely stay on Monday (14th May) and once again we're cruising upstream.  It's going to be a hot day!
 ... passing the pretty house on the site where it's alleged the actual signing of the Magna Carta took place
 ... and Fisher's events boats Nuneham and Streatley
 We'd walked along the towpath to the Harvester pub Bells of Ouzeley last Thursday evening and had a tasty meal in pleasant surroundings with friendly staff at an affordable price.  We'll be back.

 Sharp left into Old Windsor Lock cut 

EA operatives were grabbing hefty logs and tree branches from Old Windsor Weir before they're a hazard to navigation downstream

The Royal Windsor Horse Show finished yesterday and we were interested to see if the grounds had been cleared of all the equestrian paraphernalia, showgrounds and visiting competitors and spectators

The Land Rover Driving Arena was empty and there were no queues at all for a Mr Whippy!
The temporary stables were all empty
... and I note that Her Majesty is still at home
Lots of caravans and motorhomes are still parked very neatly on the main show ground

... but as we pass under Albert Bridge we could see just one caravan still parked on Home Park grounds.

Another sharp left once we've passed under Black Potts Bridge into Romney Lock cut where we had to wait for this lock-full to exit
... and then it was 'our' turn.  Just look at the colours of those trees!

Romney Lock is unusual in that is one of about six Thames Locks that fill from the sides rather than through sluices in the gates. It can be rather disconcerting when rising in the lock as the rushing water pushes the boat away from the side.  It's not such a problem today because there are no other boats in with us, but with a full lock I have to hang onto the bow rope really tightly to prevent Still Rockin' from touching any boat alongside us ... especially if it's a 'plastic' one!
No apologies for any pictures of any aspect of Windsor Castle!
Windsor is becoming a bit busier today probably due to that wedding this coming weekend
Bully-boy tactics of the bigger trip boat Bray Royale to persuade Windsor Regent to move from the bus boat stop

Television crews have staked their claim on the Brocas at Eton although I don't think they'll see anything of the wedding from there

Last lock of the day is Boveney, on self service and after we'd dropped off the rubbish at the services I walked up to operate the lock.  Inside were two skiffs but they had no objection to a 62x11.5' steel boat using the lock with them and all went well.
... until we all exited.  
The lady in the skiff here hadn't seen or heard the trip boat coming behind her and the male in the other skiff was still on the lock landing getting ready to go, again with no idea what was going on.  We stopped and the trip boat slowed down while the rowers eventually sorted themselves out and got out of the way of the traffic!
A mink swimming from one side of the very wide river to the other in front of Still Rockin'
We pass Dorney visitor moorings and kept left of the green bouy on the bend 
Find the pink cap!
I'd texted Sue to let her know that we were below the lock and she and Vic came to sit and dangle feet in the water where we could moor up, Sue scaring off other possible moorers away with an icy stare!  
It was good to see them both again and it wasn't long before the bbq was lit, wine bottles were opened and shared and an entertaining evening ensued.
The sun was setting nicely as all the chairs etc., were put away at about 8:30 when the heat of the day had dissipated.


  1. Carol said... "Sue scaring off other possible moorers away with an icy stare!"
    Kevin said... "She uses that stare on me too... and I can attest that it works. LOL"

    Great photos as usual Carol, have a good weekend :)


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