Monday 14 May 2018

Coopers Hill

While we waited for our Tesco delivery at Runnymede visitor moorings we saw the boat that was on our preferred mooring cruise past us so as soon as the delivery was onboard I left George to start putting it away while I walked the mile or so across the park to see if that mooring was still available.  It was so George quickly untied and brought Still Rockin' round to moor up here.
Half nine the following morning (Thursday 10th May)
we're off for a walk before it gets too hot.
Looking across the meadow to the Fairhaven Lodges designed by architect Sir Edward Lutyens and commissioned by Lady Clara Fairhaven on the 188 acres of land purchased by her husband in 1929 and donated after his death in 1931 to the National Trust.

A new art installation is being built at Runnymede inspired by Magna Carta's Clause 39: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.“ as part of a project that reimagines the site.

It looks like there are problems even here at the National Trust. Vandals perhaps?

Entering Cooper's Wood we have choices, left on the zig-zag path or up the more direct steps.  So that's a left then, much less stress on my knees!
Another choice of paths.  This time we're taking the right one
Take a minute ... turn up you sound ... and listen to the birds

There are signs of scouts all around here
Wild Catmint
Straight on here

Top of the hill

Passing the Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Campus at the top of the hill
and the Air Forces Memorial which commemorates more than 20,000 Commonwealth airmen and women lost in WWII who have no known grave.

Click here for more information on this beautiful memorial

For a more readable copy of 
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's opening address, please click here

Poignant search into the whereabouts of William Hurrell reported as'missing in action' is finally solved
We went up the steps to the roof terrace from where we could see just a glimpse of ...
 ... Still Rockin's cream roof far below us
... a birds eye view of Windsor Castle

Two huge reservoirs, this one is The Queen Mother's Reservoir
... and this on is the Wraysbury Resevoir
I just love this castle ... can you tell?
Heathrow and we can see Qantas planes there too - will one of those we can see be flying us to Australia in February next year?

We climb up into Heaven and Thou art there: 
We go down to Hell and Thou art there also:
We take the wings of the morning
and remain in the uttermost part of the sea:
Even there also shall Thy hand lead me 
and Thy right hand shall hold me.
Please click on any of these photos to enlarge

At this point the battery in my camera ran out.

We left the memorial and made our way down the hill where once we'd eaten lunch on Still Rockin' we spent the afternoon on the rear deck relaxing the the warm sunshine.  When it started to cool down we pulled down the pram hood covers and sat for a little longer before moving inside for our evening meal.

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