Monday 30 April 2018

The weekend ... updated

Friday (27th April) was wet, wet, wet but our day was brightened when we heard three hoots of a horn and nb Cyan came alongside.  We knew they were coming our way and invited Jennifer and John in for a cuppa.  It's always good to meet new boaters/bloggers and we spent a lovely hour or so getting to know them a little and their lovely German Shepherd Rusty. (click on the picture to see him better).
Saying cheerio to Jennifer, John and Rusty but they didn't go far and pulled in to moor just a few hundred yards upstream of us.

Saturday started wet but cleared up a little mid morning.  The sky was cloudy and it was a very dull, quite cold day.
We spent the day indoors in front of the fire
 ... and took this picture of Clivedon House at night from the stern of Still Rockin' at 20:45.

Sunday was cold and drizzly start and we had a bit of a lie in.  
We knew that Chris, nb Merchant, fuel boat was coming through Boulters Lock sometime today and of course sod's law says that George would be in the shower when he came upstream.  You can hear Merchant long before you see her ...
... giving me time to alert George and get the canopies and keys ready for him, take Chris's middle rope as he came smoothly alongside and fasten it to Still Rockin'.  By this time George was on deck.
Diesel and two bags of coal (which we hope we won't actually use 'till at least November) on board, Chris and his lovely dog Stanley (who, if you want a friend for life, loves custard cream biscuits) came onboard for a cuppa and a chat ... but with work to do, deliveries to make ...
... he was soon on his way seemingly into the trees!  His next stop is  diesel for Jennifer and John.

The remainder of Sunday was cold but the forecast rain didn't really appear.  The forecast for very heavy rain all night and all day Monday with strong winds and very low temperatures for this time of year was a bit worrying.

Monday as I write this blog post ...
... it doesn't look good, heavy rain and winds of 28mph gusting up to 54!! {Edited - see Adam's comment below} I feel much better about that wind now!
Looks better tomorrow though at least we may have some sunshine.  Will this effect the river flow we wonder, which is still showing stream decreasing?


  1. It's not quite as windy as you think -- because your app is giving wind speeds in km/h not mph. 28km/h is 17 mph, and 56km/h is about 34mph.

  2. I feel much better about that wind now Adam, thanks for pointing that out. Regards to you both. xx

  3. So glad the yellow weather alert didn't materialise. It looks like tomorrow is going to be a glorious day, so we'll be pushing off. Thank you again for your hospitality, and we sincerely hope our journeys will cross again. Take care, and very best wishes... Jen and John x

  4. Us too Jennifer, both in the non-increased warnings and the fact that we can move today and as an extra deal ... the sun is shining, Wrap up warm and enjoy.


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