Sunday 22 April 2018

On a hot day ...

Friday (20th April) we decided a walk was in order, a circular walk along a permissive route towards Mill End, Hambleden and back via the Thames path (towpath)
 The chestnut trees are coming into bud and the chandeliers standing proud
 Culham Chapel stands in the ground of Culham Court over the river
 More giant snowdrops
 Pretend we're in France and these are sunflowers!
The current house (Culham Court) was built around 1770 for London lawyer Richard Mitchell after the original house was burned down "due to the carelessness of workmen" during repairs.  The house has had many owners since then and in 2007 Urz Schwarzenback, a Swiss banker, purchased it for £35million.
 This house looks straight off Grand Designs. I love the rusty metal gates but not sure of the rusty buildings.
 We can see Hambleden Marina in the distance and decide to pay a visit to see what it looks like without its winter mooring boats
 It all looks very different!
 That was our space just in front of the last boat on the left of the mill stream
 Houseboat Gypsy Willow in her summer mooring spot and lots of small cruisers over on the island pontoons
 Marc Director/Manager of the marina was having problems with the crane, so we didn't disturb him, it looks as if he's got enough on his plate.
 On the way back to Medmenham we pass Hambleden Place a cluster of beautiful properties (this one has dragons) and can be seen from the Thames as we cruise
 Very early bluebells
 Great views over Hambleden Valley to the Chilterns
 The gate is at the entrance to Medmenham meadows 
... and just beyond is a 'beach' where we used to bring Molly for a paddle and to cool off.  The smaller pictures are of Molly with Floyd and Fletcher, Joe and Lesley's (nb Yarwood) labs at this beach, when we spent some time with them on the Thames in September 2015.

1 comment:

  1. And your away!! Free at last, free at last! Gorgeous pictures as usual. I love the ones of Molly frolicking. Isn't the sunshine glorious?? Even now after a an overcast day and several passing rain showers, the sun is stretching its last long rays through the boat and the world seems lighter somehow.

    Happy cruising!! Love and hugs to you both,

    Jaq xxx


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