Monday 26 March 2018

Building up to a birthday ...

... a big one!
 Started early on Saturday 24th March
... with George's sister Diane and husband Paul visiting with cake ... and candles!
But it's not his birthday yet ...

Sunday 25th March ... more celebrations ...
 Sunday lunch at Cote Brasserie in Marlow
Me, daughter in law Ange, Birthday Boy, Dan boyfriend of granddaughter Lucy, Grandson Ed and son Mark.
... and a walk along the river afterwards where we saw fuel boat Merchant (but no Chris onboard).

... but it's not his birthday yet!

Once our visitors had left for the journey home to the midlands we decided to stretch our legs ...
... as the sun was starting to set
There's still plenty of water coming down the Thames

Back at the marina  
... and a wonderful sky. 

 So when is this birthday ...

Today! 26th March!
 Lots of birthday cards
... and he's very happy with his presents too
 ... an exercise bike and a Bose Soundlink Mini from the family.
He's chuffed to monkeys!


  1. Many congratulations George. No doubt you're having a great day. Birthday dinner at the Compleat Angler to round off ??

    An exercise bike onboard SR, wow ... full gym to follow? I trust as a proper engineer (I assume you saw / recorded the RAF at 100 program last night) you'll be hooking up an alternator to the drive wheel to make use of burning those calories !!

    Tip ... don't have a large glass of red wine (the soft drink glass is not fooling anyone) whist sat on the bike, it's a bit self defeating :)

    Missing the Thames and missing playing leap frog with you guys at the moorings/pubs/etc. Hopefully put all of these matters right in the not too distant future.

    Looking forward to our cruising crossing streams sometime soon.

    I'm on our boat tonight and feeling the force !!

    Very Happy Birthday and all the best...


  2. Happy Birthday from NB Oleanna!
    Pip. Mick and Tilly x

  3. Happy Birthday George! Take it easy on that bike - you've reached a certain age now!

  4. Thanks Paul, the birthday didn't quite go as you envisaged but George did all that he wanted to do yesterday. We too are looking forward to summer cruising (once all this rain goes away)and meeting up with you and Carole and all our other boating friends. x

  5. Thank you Pip, Mick and Tilly, I've passed you birthday wishes on to George x

  6. George says it's all downhill from here! I think he means he intends to get younger each year! Best wishes to you both. Happy cruising. xx

  7. Happy birthday George, from the HerbieS xx
    My thoughts were the same as Paul, surely the bike can be rigged up to produce electricity, or how about working the propeller? That would keep you fit 😂😂
    Kath (no Herbie)

  8. Thanks for the best wishes Kath, I've passed them on to George. This is the third comment we've had so far about the maybe dual use of the exercise bike .... now we need some ideas of what and how.

  9. George do you think you could rig the bike upto the battery pack in your PC. It might just boost your google calendar enough to notify family and friends to turn up on the correct day next year.

    Looks like you have had a super few days.

    Cheers and beers

    Andy & Sue x

  10. Fabulous post Carol!! Hook that bike up to your batteries and George can give them good charge or maybe the calorifier for hot water! Many happy returns to a fabulous man who doesn't look or act anything close to 70. I love that saying, Chuffed to the Moenkey's. I'm going to borrow that one.

    Love Jaq xxx

  11. Thanks for the comment Andy I'll pass it on.


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