Friday 22 December 2017

A walk by the river

Monday (18th Dec) George is out in Reading doing something secretive and I go for a walk along the Thames
The Thames has been running high for the past few days

Over the weekend all three of these sluice gates were open but today there are only two

... the view from the other side of the sluices as the water passes smoothly through to the turbulence beyond

Looking back towards the marina

Hambleden Lock now on yellow boards (Caution Stream Decreasing)

I walked along the Thames Path to Ferry Lane where the sun had not yet penetrated 
Always makes me smile!
Ice still on the puddles and frost on the grass ... it was slippy!
Approaching the Flower Pot Hotel
... where the turkeys, chickens and geese are being fattened in the sunshine
... and on the way back to Still Rockin' I can see the Temple on the island which marks the start of the Henley Regatta Course.

A lovely brisk walk on a sunny, cold day ... can't beat it!

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