Thursday 2 November 2017

I know, I know, but it's still a shock ...

... when you wake up to 4°c and it's been like summer for days, even though it is late October (30)!
9:15 saw me walking to back downstream to Boveney Lock when I met this tiger cat looking for a stroke.  We need to fill the water tank and then we'll return upstream to continue on our way.

The lock was empty with gates and sluices left open but that was soon remedied and the water poured in to fill the lock

... bringing Still Rockin' in ... the plants seem to have survived the slight frost this morning, thank goodness.
Gosh, she looks big in there!

Not noticed this seat before, Vivienne Gibson was working this lock for a long time.
Couldn't find much information on this Fellows Morton and Clayton boat Owl except that it's been in private ownership since the 1970's
Bray Lock next and although the self-service sign was up we saw the gates open as we approached.  The lock keeper was about to leave Bray and go to Boveney Lock but said that he'd see us through first.
My view from the bow as we ascend Bray Lock
Approaching Maidenhead road bridge

The riverside properties look finished; this is how they looked in late June 2016 when we passed this way and this was the old house that I was wondering what the builders would do with it.  At lease it doesn't look as if they're demolishing it and I'll be interested to see the final renovation sometime in 2018.
'What's occurring' as Geoff would say.

Another conversion to presumably apartments, ready for occupancy
I can see as we approach Boulters Lock that the river works are going on in the main stream of the Thames so will not hinder us at all as we branch off to the left.  I can also see a white notice so know that there's a lock keeper on duty. 

Boulters Lock is deep and the lockie helped us with our ropes by holding down a hooked pole for my rope before putting it over a bollard at the top of the lock and catching George's rope from the stern.

Waiting for the gates to open so that we can leave the lock
Passing Clivedon House.  I can't quite believe that for various reasons we've not stopped here since September last year, so a must for 2018!

Through Temple Lock - pretty in pink!

What's not to like on the River Thames!

They must think it's still summer!

Approaching Bourne End and No Problem XL. Sue and Vic are visiting family so we paused for a while to talk to Sheena who is boat sitting.

A very smokey bonfire makes it difficult to see and breath

Turning in to Marlow Lock Cut
It was nearly 2pm by the time we're moored up.  It's been a good day, although the sun has been shining the temperature only got up to about 10° because of the cruel wind.  It was good to get inside where the heating had been on so it was lovely and cosy.
Yet another stunning sunset to end the day.


  1. Fantastic photos as ever Carol. Jennie

  2. Well done for capturing the grebe picture. The kingfisher looks fantastic, too.

  3. Funny I was reading this website shortly before I dropped in on yours

  4. Thank you Phil, I'll take a look.


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