Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Going home ...

A misty morning greeted us on Wednesday last week (Nov 1) 

... and hung about most of the morning, but it was still chilly
By 2:20 though the sun had burned through most of the cloud as we pulled the mooring pins for the last time

Passing an artist further down the meadow drying his watercolour in the sunshine

Not going up the lock, today we're turning right here
... to the right of the white and blue cruise on the right above ... looks a tight squeeze
... but not as tight as last year; someone has trimmed back the willow
The pontoon on the right at the end is our destination
... and that will be our view for the next five months
We are of course in Hasmbleden Marina
This is us in the marina last winter, Still Rockin' bottom centre
10 minutes after we'd tied up, Skylark Song arrives, we usually see this boat moored on Medmenham Meadow during the summer months.
A friendly face greets us, but he's not got much to say!

All tucked in, safe and sound
5:30 and we can hear a pheasant outside (taken through the window) and we're sure that it's the same one that gave us hours of fun watching last winter!


  1. Hope you have an enjoyable winter at Hambledon. Don't forget to blog or else I'll have nothing to read with my morning coffee at work ;)

  2. Although I won't be posting a blog every day Alison, i will do my best to post at least once each week. Thank you for your comment, enjoy your morning coffee!.

  3. What a fabulous mooring with a great view. Enjoy your winter. Jennie, Chris and Monty x


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