Monday 2 October 2017

What a great day!

7:45 this morning at Henley - it looks like is going to be a good day
George reverses out from our mooring
... across the river so that we can pass Rod Eyot on the right
Looking back upstream towards Marsh Lock
... but today we're going downstream once more
Looking back at Henley, this is the last time we'll visit by water this year
Hambleden Lock was on self service
The sun's reflection on the water makes steering a bit difficult
10 o'clock and there's the first of just two boat we've seen on the move today here at Hurley Lock after we'd used the services
Sharp left into Temple Lock which was also unmanned today
... and we're back in Marlow again, but we're not stopping today
The lock keeper at Marlow has already seen us approaching and has the gates open for us to enter
... and it's here that we see the second and last boat on the move in four hours!
Approaching Cookam and we can see a meadow mooring ahead
The bank is a bit high but it will do for us tonight.
There are really good views from here
... upstream
... and downstream
Off for a walk ... we watched the lock keeper blowing all the leaves from around the lock into the river ... so that's what we'll have to contend with tomorrow when we come this way
Below Cookam weir
We visited The Odney Club here in Cookham in May and this is the bridge we're standing on today
Barriers to prevent vessels from entering the weir stream
... and we're back to Marsh Meadow
... where Still Rockin' is moored.
... and to round off a great day, a very pretty sunset taken a few minutes ago.

We have really enjoyed today, the weather has been sunny but with a cold wind which at times was gusting up to 32mph but we were well wrapped up and warm.  I never get bored of being on the deck as we cruise watching the world go by, especially on a day like today.


  1. We could tell that people were wrapping their boats up for winter at the weekend. We only saw one other boat on the move all weekend and there was loads of room on the Lincoln CRT visitor moorings. They have been pretty full all Spring and Summer.

  2. I really do like boating at this time of year when the river is quiet and moorings are always available and the sunny weather we're currently having down here makes it even better!


  3. Great photography. It's one on the reasons I love your blog, when we are not on the Thames I can look here and feel like we are :)

    Also fantastic new banner photo, SR looks good but perhaps for once upstaged by the autumn lock scene and colours. Beautiful.

    Carole has jumped ship once again and I am captain, cook, cleaner and chief bottle washer for a few days at Runnymede.

    So head down working and starting to get a touch of cabin fever, I made the most of a beautiful afternoon and headed for the Air Forces Memorial to stretch the legs. Pity the tower/roof is still closed but the setting and sense of sacrifice was very moving for me. I was especially touched by the personal photo's of the airmen commemorated, it brought the names in stone to life. Real people with real families and lives to live... tragically cut short. I've always felt deeply humbled by the bravery of those aircrews and the bomber command memorial in London, but to see so many names in one place really brings it home.

    Anyway ... off in search of coal, the boat is getting cold now!

    Paul & Carole

  4. Thanks Paul. The autumn lock scene was exactly why I took the photo, after all it's not all about the boat! We're heading your way today so I hope Newlands is not in out space!! The airforces memorial had the same effect with us when we've visited too, as you say it really brings home. Hope you managed to get some coal. See you later.


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