Thursday 12 October 2017

Slowly does it ...

Monday morning (9th Oct) and we were in no rush to move on, just like these two swans we were 'jus chillin'!
It was well after 9:30 when we untied from Runneymede National Trust moorings
... continuing downstream where I can just see the Airforces Memorial up Coopers Hill has scaffolding around the roof
... and passing the Queen Elizabeth II statue 
... in the park.
Less than 10 minutes later or next mooring appears at Runneymede's EA TVM (Environment Agency Thames Visitor Moorings)
... and where we sit and watch the world go by
... but not much moving either from downstream
... or from upstream as we wait for our Tesco order to be delivered this afternoon.  We shall stay here tonight and move on in the morning.

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