Saturday, 28 October 2017

Round and a bout ...

Once our Very Special Visitors had left on Monday it was a bit of an anticlimax on Still Rockin' and the day was spent just chilling out and revisiting the weekend.
 On Tuesday (24 Oct) the National Trust groundsmen and groundswoman started cutting the grass around the moorings here at Runnymede
... so to enable them to get the job done and to prevent any stray stones and grass cuttings ending up all over the boat, once they'd finished the mooring above ours we moved into it and for half an hour so had a slightly different view up the Thames looking at the Magna Carta Tea Room designed by Edward Lutyens 
The grounsdwoman was selectively cutting back bushes and I watched her shaking these teasels presumably to shed their seeds.  When the grass had been thoroughly cut and strimmed we moved back into our spot again.
After lunch we went for a walk crossing the busy road and across the meadow stopping for a few minutes by the Magna Carta Memorial
... before climbing the steps up to the John F Kennedy Memorial
... from where there a great views
... blowing the leaves away
Back on the meadow we spy King John (for a potted history of the King and the Magna Carta, click here).  There must have been a tour of the memorials this morning.  We recognised the king as one of the NT's Customer Engagement Officers who collect mooring fees and offer advise and information to visitors who arrive by car, boat or on foot.
The 12 Jurors Chairs, an artwork by Hew Locke which illustrate past and present struggles for freedom, rule of law and equal rights.  
The website's 'scroll over each chair for information' doesn't appear to be working
... so I've photographed my brochure above and if you click on these pages I'm hoping that you can read the information ok.
Edward Lutyens lodges, tea room on the left and warden's office on the right

This island opposite the memorials is purportied to be the actual site on which the Magna Carta was signed.
Walking back to Still Rockin' ... snug as a bug in a rug!


  1. Will you have time to visit the Air Forces Memorial again, now the scaffolding is down and, I assume, the tower is open?

    We have an annual pilgrimage to Newlands Corner (after which our boat is named) in late Jan so maybe we'll make a detour to Runnymede as I was disappointed to not see the views in summer.

    We overshot the marina and are at Stoke Bruerne for the weekend before we really must return to land Sunday night. Can't say I'm pleased !!.

    Carole & Paul

  2. Twas our plan to walk up to the Airforces Memorial Paul but the kids chose a cruise instead. We were busy after they left and left Runnymede on Wednesday. I'm a bit behind on postings at the moment, trying to spread them out as there won't be much going on when we get to Hambleden.

    Have a good day today returning to your winter home. Best wishes from us both.


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