Monday 23 October 2017

A cold but dry, bright day ...

8am Friday (20 Oct) and we're moving on from Shepperton
... 40 minutes later we were ready to go through Chertsey Lock

... where this rather smart PLA (Port of London Authority) tug was moored above the gates
The riot of colour still from these begonias is a pleasure
Penton Hook Lock next and although we can see that it's on self-service we can see someone operating the lock so there must be a  boat coming down.  The lady sees us and returns to her boat and I will take over the controls for our transit up the lock.
First boat out was the Magna Carta Hotel Boat and then this little cruiser.  By this time I'm at the lock control and the steerer of the cruiser was heading for the lock landing in front of Still Rockin'.  I don't know what they were thinking but as they got close to the landing she was just about to step off with a rope when she looked back and shouted 'are you going to close the gates?' Of course I said 'yes' and pointed to our boat which George was already pulling away wondering if they were going to moor up or go!  A quick swerve (cruisers can do that) and off they go!

I was feeling really cold when I go back onto Still Rockin' for the first time this summer/autumn, and  went straight inside to put on a couple more layers.  I didn't really feel warm afterwards until we'd moored up with a cosy fire lit.
For only £4,000 pcm you could rent this pretty riverside property downstream of Staines
This building site was cleared earlier this year and although we couldn't see any work going on today we could see that foundations have been laid.  I wonder what we'll see on it when we pass again in 2018.

Taking his parakeet/cockatoo and his dogs for a walk along the river path.

... to the accompanying roar of the banking planes
Next stop is fuel boat Merchant from Chris's base in Staines

... and the lovely Stanley come onboard for his custard creams, in fact he didn't want to leave when Chris called him after we'd taken on coal and diesel!
Chris is expanding his business too.  Moored behind his fuel boat is 90 year old Atlas (previously William) which is permanently moored at the wharf Timsway, Staines, TW18 3 JY from where by the end of 2017 boaters will be able to take on diesel and coal and have their boat pumped-out - a service not readily or easily available along the River Thames. We wish him well in his new venture.  Chris can be contacted on 07921 694287 or 07902 851915 or use the contact form on his web page.
Looking back as leave Staines
Definitely Autumn
Bell Weir Lock next fortunately on self service
Six Cormorants swinging in the breeze!
The scaffolding we saw around the Airforces Memorial when we passed here on October 9th has now been removed
By 11:30 we're once again moored in one of our very favourite
places with great views around us
... at Runnymede of course where we shall stay over the weekend


  1. Playing blog catchup again! ....

    Firstly thank you so much for a lovely Sunday (15 Oct) evening meal and great company. I was feeling a little frazzed after my journey back to the boat from 'upt north'. As usual a great evening. So good in fact that I forgot I had a hire car to return and overslept Monday morning and woke in panic to get to Kingston in time !!

    We are now very much off the Thames (tonight at GU Fishery lock). I love the canals but the Thames is still my calling so it's been a few days of mixed feelings. Still, we never under estimate how fortunate we are to be doing this.

    It has been a real pleasure to meet you both (and Sue + Vic) this summer and we have enjoyed your company very much every time. We'll even overlook you pinching our mooring at Thames Court.

    Carole has said I am banned from reading your blog now as it makes me pine for the Thames and full livaboard status. Still, 3 months this year isn't so bad.

    Have a great winter at Hambledon, and if we are passing via 4 wheels we'll try to drop by.

    Best wishes
    Paul & Carole

  2. Hi Carol & George

    Lovely time of the year and super photos, good to see you are still having a good time apart from leaves around the prop and numbskull skippers.
    Are you staying down south for a bit? If so would be good to come over and meet up. No mention of Molly, is she still with you? it's been along while since I logged on to 'Still Rockin'.
    Love Mac & Jacquie

  3. Hi Paul, thanks for your comment.
    We should have given you a toot on the horn when we left you at Hampton Court, hope you managed to get to Kingston on time with the hire car.
    We've both enjoyed both your company this summer and would love to see you over the winter if you're passing this way, or even if you make a specific journey!
    Enjoy your winter with family around you and take care of each other.
    Best wishes xx

  4. Hi Mac and Jacquie good to hear from you. Yes we're staying on the Thames over winter at Hambleden Marina from November to March so feel free to visit, it would be good to see you both again. I'm afraid Molly is no longer with us, see
    We miss her so much and it's been nearly a year now.
    Put a comment on the blog if you do decide to visit, I'm trying to think how we can let you have or phone numbers - are either of you on Facebook or use 'messenger'?
    Best wishes to you both xx

  5. Another lovely post of the ever changing scenery on the Thames. Gorgeous, Carol. It's been cold here too. I've started wearing my scarf and hat now!

  6. Gosh Val, it must be winter in Holland already! Hope you can stay warm. x

  7. Hi Carol and George,
    We have decided that our next season on board will be almost exclusively on the Thames - or more accurately doing the Grand Circle. We would love to persuade the intrepid crew of nb Unknown No 3 to join us but they aren't keen on London prices for beer. So if you can offer evidence that beer (or cider) isn't more expensive than it is in the Midlands, I would really appreciate it!
    Anyway, just wanted to say that your posts and photos keep alive the urge to spend a lot more time on the Thames!
    Big hugs to you both,

  8. As we're not beer drinkers we can't give that information Marilyn, but we do know that in Wetherspoons Henley on Thames (upmarket relatively speaking than some other wetherspoons) you can get two meals and two drinks for less than £20, if that's any good. See you summer 2018 then! xx


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