Sunday 3 September 2017

One mission accomplished and another one to go ...

5 to 7 Wednesday morning and the sun just rising
... an hour later and the sun is burning the mist from the river
... and it looks like it will be another warm day
9:30 and the reason we're here has arrived. Marcus of Marcus Marine Engineering is a Beta Marine agent and has been dealing with a slight oil leak from Still Rockin's gear box that has been ongoing for some time.  It's nothing significant but needs to be fixed as per Beta's warranty policy.  Marcus has now changed all the seals (oil pump and drive shaft) and we'll see if this makes a difference.  First mission accomplished!
12:15 and we're on the move again, here leaving Whitchurch Lock ... we've got more very special visitors tomorrow.
Passing the Swan pub

These tugs have always fascinated me and today I've tried to find some information online but can only find Tug Severn Enterprise on the National Historic Ships UK website.

No-one home on Newlands

Today's mission accomplished ... that mooring will be for us now then!
Opposite George's favourite house on the River Thames
... at Beale Park
... with wonderful views
... all around us.

Getting excited about tomorrows visitors!

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