Friday 1 September 2017

Busy catching up with boaters on the Thames

Another lovely sunrise before 7 on Tuesday morning (29/8).  It's not too cold either although the forecast is for rain most of the day.
Time for us to leave just after 7 and we say cheerio and thanks for the company last evening to Jennie, they will be leaving Medmenham meadows too soon.

Pretty setting
Hambleden Marina off to our right as we approach the lock which is on self service
Blimey that's a lot of buttons!  It took a few minutes for me to get a grip with the instructions being used to the more modern ones with far less choice of buttons to press!
To operate it you also have to stand side on to the lock and my tendency to vertigo didn't like that at all!
Mallards chasing fallen apples  on the lock side as I wait for the lock to be ready
All done, safely through; George is waiting for me to get back onboard.
This view
... approaching Henley
... always gives me a lift.  I just love it.
Carole and Paul probably still asleep as we pass wb Newlands on the visitor moorings
... but not so Gill and Geoff also moored at Henley
So, who lives here I wonder?
Cruising through Wargrave where it was much quieter than the last time we came this way just a few weeks ago
Approaching Shiplake Lock, it's just after 9am and the lock is now manned.  We stop on the services above the lock to fill the water tank ...
... that looks very much like Gypsy Willow over there in the trees ... a quick text and  ...
... and we pull alongside for a cuppa and a catch-up.
On the move again through the very skewed Sonning Bridge
... to the lock
... where the lock keeper makes best use of the water with four boats going up.
That's our destination for the night above Sonning Lock.

We managed to arrive without getting wet but it poured down once I'd hung my washing out!

Later I receive a text from Carole on Newlands who've moored up a short distance away and we arrange to visit the Bull in Sonning for our evening meal which was most enjoyable.  Sorry forgot to take any pictures, next time perhaps!


  1. We had shore leave for the night and were recovering at our daughters flat in London after a previous day of excess at a Madness 'thing' on Clapham Common. Not our first music choice but great fun anyway in the wonderful company of friends and family. So Newlands was deserted as you passed!

    Yes, lovely to join you both for dinner at the Bull. Nice to have a longer chat and find another Flight Systems sole mate :) A most enjoyable evening.

    Currently at Beale Park (Pangbourne end, no mooring police as yet?). Carole has left me, so relaxing after a marathon van driving session wed/thr and work catch up today.

    See you again soon we hope...

    Carole & Paul

  2. Lovely post, Carole. Thanks for all the beautiful photos!

  3. We passed Newlands as we came to Beale Park Paul, maybe see you when you're both back onboard.

  4. Thanks for your comment Val. x


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