Friday 8 September 2017

A short cruise and a quiet day

Tuesday 5th September (Paul)
 We left our meadow mooring at Cleeve and winded; it's drizzly and humid today.
 ... and sods law says that just as we're across the river width other boats arrive; fortunately this narrowboat slowed down whilst the manoeuvre was completed
 We hadn't realised that Petroc was moored just a 100 yards or so behind us, hi Gill!
 Ahead of us the river is full of geese
 There must have been at least 100 Greylags
 ... and about 20 Canada Geese
 Just above Cleeve Lock stands this house and in all the times we've passed through here we have never seen the blinds open, I couldn't live like that!
We stopped above the lock to take on water which took an age because it was just about empty!
 This moth came along for the ride and stayed on the canopy for most of the day
 Steve, the lock keeper at Cleeve has very cleverly grown an apple tree into a hedge and he's had lots of fruit this year here and on the trees in his garden.
Even through the gloom the setting of Goring Lock always looks lovely.
We moored up on the visitor moorings and did some bits of shopping at the wonderful hardware store up by the railway and later George collected the hire car for tomorrow.

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