Sunday 6 August 2017

Life and visitors at Wargrave

 Three Little Ducks Sitting in a Tree

As with any family there comes a time when the kids need to make a life of their own
 Friday and the first of the visitors arrive, they go round Poplar Eyot
 ... and approach us from the other end, George will now move over
 ... and I'm on the bank to take their ropes.
The day was wet off and on but brightened up by 4pm and of course the bbq came out.  We ate a delicious meal on the deck of SR, laughter, banter and of course wine!
 Saturday we had our second visitor ...  fuel boat Merchant came by and boy did both boats need that delivery of diesel ... thanks Chris.
 Dear Stanley, the fuel boat dog, he loves custard cream biscuits and this is him leaving, very reluctantly!
 Fuel boat Merchant heading off upstream into the jaws of a thunder storm!
 4pm and the third visitors are due and we leave No Problem at the mooring ... but wait a minute why has Sue jumped ship?

Will we get into that mooring ... yes of course with a bit of ingenuity!

... and here they come.
They are of course not our visitors but Sue's daughter Wendy, granddaughter Keira, son-in-law Danny and dogs.  It was easier for us to collect them being moored on the outside of NPXL and we hope they enjoyed their family evening together.


  1. Yes we certainly did Carol, an impromptu visit and it worked really well. Thank you so much for collection and delivery. We had one of those wonderful evenings you can only dream about! xx

  2. I knew you would Sue, us boaters have to enjoy these wonderful visits from family as they don't happen often enough! See you both again soon. x


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