Friday, 21 July 2017

Walking in Oxford ...

4pm and our guided tour has finished (well worth paying for from the Information Office in Oxford) so we decide to explore further especially New College for it's large expanse of Oxford's city walls and Harry Potter film set.

Harry Potter themed window near the Information Office

 Remember to look up!
Antony Gormley's sculpture of a naked man on the roof of a building in Broad Street

 The White Horse pub has been featured in a number of episodes of Inspector Morse, Lewis and Endeavour

Oxford's indoor market ...

The Cake Shop where you can watch the bakers work

A good place to wander around

New College taken from the Bodleian Library showing Hertford Bridge aka Bridge of Sighs earlier in the afternoon.

As mentioned in my last post the college cloisters were used to film the scene in Goblets of Fire when Harry comes face to face with Malfoy sitting in the tree. Unfortunately the cloisters were closed but we went in anyway.

Founded in 1379 New College is one of the oldest colleges in Oxford
The chapel was also out-of-bound as there was a recording session going on inside - we could hear bits of it from outside.

Oxford's city walls surround the beautiful gardens

Leaving New College grounds
... and looking back at the entrance to the gardens

Back into the city
... to find somewhere for coffee and scone and then to the bus stop
We started out on our day in Oxford at about 9:40 catching a bus from Abingdon, spending a wonderful 5½ hours wandering around taking this photo at 6pm from the bus going over Folly Bridge which have cruised under a few times on our previous boat (narrowboat Rock 'n' Roll) in October 2011 and September 2012 arriving back at Still Rockin' at about 18:45.  A brilliant day!


  1. Hi Carole and George, I have really enjoyed reading your posts about Oxford, thank you. We are planning a trip down to Oxford Canal, but I don't think we will have too much time to linger, so even more reason to enjoy your post. We are hoping to go onto the Thames, but I am now slightly concerned about your mention of lack of water below Abingdon? We will not be there until around 24th August, so hopefully we will have had some rain by then (at night if we are lucky!!) to replenish the river. If we do make it we are hoping that we will catch up with you both, Sue and Vic as we travel along the Thames. Take care and hopefully we will have a chance to catch up sometime this summer. Best wishes Jennie and Chris

  2. Hi Jennie, Chris,
    Good to hear from you. Glad you've enjoyed the posts on Oxford it really was a pleasure. The last time we visited we'd got Molly and I found the crowded pavements on a hot day with a very small dog too much and we didn't stay long. This time because we could do our own thing it was enjoyable.

    About the lack of water - it's low above Abingdon to the top of the river not below. It may be a good idea to check with the EA before you reach the Thames.

    Hopefully we'll meet up again if you do manage to get on the river. Regards to you both.

  3. Thanks Carole - we will do that. I will keep you posted.


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