Saturday, 29 July 2017

To Pangbourne

NPXL leaving Beale Park first and winding in the river
... and we followed about 10 minutes later
... so were surprised to see them a few minutes later
... and here's the reason why, they'd stopped for a chat with Irene and Ian, so we did the same to allow NP to get ahead as the next lock is too small for both boats
Hope you had a good stay at that lovely mooring both of you
Looking back upriver
 For sale on Shooters Hill, this grade II listed Victorian House ...
yours for just £1,150,000.
Looking back as we leave Whitchurch Lock
Under Whitchurch Bridge
... and we've arrived
Good Thames views
.... on the meadow
... at Pangbourne.


  1. Hello, Carol and George,

    Have been following you sporadically as I have been too sleepy to keep up with the my reading! Good to see that you saw Irene and Ian who stayed with us in NZ earlier this year. Lovely people.
    David and I have decided that next year we are ONLY doing the Grand Circle and we are going to take 4 months to do so**. Looking at your blog today only reinforces that decision - the water and the views are just so lovely!
    ** We have been doing too much racing about this season ...
    Hope we see you then,
    Big hugs, M&D xxoo

  2. Good to hear from you Marilyn. You need to slow down a bit though. Are you not coming onto the Thames at all then this year? If not we'll see you in 2018. xx

  3. I will be asking you plenty of Thames based questions in the next 12 months. A group of us are planning a Thames invasion for July 2018 :)

  4. Will look forward to that Naughty-Cal!


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