Saturday, 22 July 2017

A hot Sunday walk

Continuing on from yesterday's post ... 
after a hearty breakfast we set off once again to walk to Sutton Courtenay
... turning left when we reached the A34

... arriving eventually as Cross Trees where the road splits bearing right onto High Street and left onto Church Street

We walked up the High Street passing a mixture of different styles of terraced houses
... hoping for a pub to use their services but the only one looks as if it's been closed for a little while.  We did find a small shop though where we bought ice cream to cool us off, it was going to be a hot day.
We wandered off down an alleyway ... Didcot Power Station is always on the horizon in this area

Apples and plums though neither quite ripe for picking

Back on the High Street I notice another closed pub ... The Old Inn
... and those higgledy piggledy terraces again - love them!
Back at Cross Trees and we turn to our right into Church Street

... where a cottage is getting a new thatched roof
... and reach The Green.  Straight ahead we were pleased to see a pub, the Swan where we had a cooling shandy and sit down in the shady garden.
Over there on our right stands The Abbey built c 1320 and belonged to the Astor family during the 20th century before being sold for use as a religious education centre and is not generally open to the public.

All Saints Church ...

note the one one-handed dial on the tower clock and this unusual sculpture over the door.

edmundus bradstock mensas pauperum mentes instruit
Any ideas?

We found Asquith's grave but couldn't find George Orwell's until we later remembered that was his pen name! Real name Eric Blair.

Continuing down Church Street I noticed the blue plaque ...
the Mill House and the Wharf, home to Prime Minister Asquith
Walking towards the river we can see the rear of the wharf where Asquith's great grand-daughter Helen Bonham-Carter lives.
Walking towards the weirs ...

Three archimedes screws (hydropower) have been installed here although there's currently not sufficient flow on the River Thames to enable their operation.
There seems to have been quite a bit of controversy in the planning stages for this work and delays due to flooding before the build and installation went ahead.

Trees have been planted and a wild meadow appears

Bearing in mind some of the comments from canoeists and anglers ... I can't decide if this is a salmon leap or a route for the canoes!
This one will set you back a cool £850k

More plums hanging over the pavement but not yet ripe.

As we walk back we pick a bag full of ripe plums and blackberries for the freezer - plum pie and blackberry crumble come to mind when the weather turns cold later in the year.

Seen on our way home ...

A red deer with antlers - how amazing is that!

Back at the boat hot and tired but happy after an enjoyable day out
... we enjoy another lovely sunset
... reflected in the water through the trees.


  1. Online translation gives "mensas pauperum mentes instruit " = "instructs the minds of the tables of the poor"

  2. Sharon on Facebook also commented -
    Google translate says that edmundus bradstock mensas pauperum mentes instruit means instructs the minds of Edmund Bradstock overthrew the tables of the poor!!


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