Monday 19 June 2017

Wandering the Thames Path

Thursday we walked up the meadow to follow the Thames Path, we've done this stretch before at a different time of year but had to turn back at one point as the ground was water logged and slippy, so today we wondered where it would take us. 

It took us past this house, a mixture of Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Egyptian ... certainly 'different'.
We eventually arrived at the Beetle and Wedge at Moulsford where we couldn't go any further except up Ferry Lane to the main road so we turned back again
... passing this lovely farmhouse in the lane
... and back into the courtyard/parking area of the pub
... and looking back at the Beetle (hammer) and Wedge (used to split wood), it looks and sounds a rather posh place.
On the opposite side of the Thames we pass the Leatherne Bottel  which, looking at the menu prices is also a posh place!

We were glad to get back to Still Rockin' and out of the too hot sunshine, for me anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Both eateries look very enticing... but you are quite right neither of them are in my usual 2 for £10 price bracket... LOL


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