Thursday 15 June 2017

Moving on ...

 ... from our peaceful mooring at Beale Park, 9:30 Tuesday morning
 I've never noticed waterlilies on the river before
 A lovely setting
Heading for Brunel's Gatehampton Bridge 
 ... a bridge of two halves
 ... keeping well away from the shallows
 10 o'clock and we've reached our destination where we can see a Still Rockin' size space for us below Goring Lock
 Our views for the next couple of days
 Off to the pub garden for lunch - the pie of day was Steak and Guiness and we've never eaten a pie so full of meat - very nice.
 A pretty house although a bit too large for me
 With lovely tiling detail on one bay
 2pm and we're billy no mates!
 We went for walk around town just after 9 when it was a bit cooler and past George Michael's home

 Made me think of the lamp-lighters of old, but of course they are watering the flower baskets hanging from the lamp-posts
 There she is!
 Up by the lock in the mill stream

The Goring Gap - probably the oldest crossing on the Thames, where The Ridgeway and The Icknield Way provided the pre-historic trade route from Dorset to East Anglia crossed at the ford here
Looking good in the gloaming.


  1. I'm sure I saw you pass under a railway bridge just as my train heading for Paddington went over you, near Didcot station. You can guess where I would have rather been! Caroline.

  2. So here I am ... on board but going nowhere :)

    Still, the weather is wonderful and there are worse places to 'work from home'.

    Life permitting (and a host of odd jobs) we'll be heading south at the end of July.... and onto the fabulous Thames again.

    I hope you both did your full posh Radio4 voices going through the skew bridge !!

    Goring is a favourite mooring, you seemed to have timed it just right. But don't try to get a full English breakfast in the hotel on the opposite bank ... NO we don't serve non residents (but you said you did when I called!!) Bahh .. I make a better breakfast anyway :)

    Hope we meet up this summer.

    WB Newlands

  3. Thanks for your comment Caroline and Martin, hope you manage to get in some cruising before too long.

  4. Don't work too hard Paul and Carole! Let us know when you're on the Thames and we'll arrange to meet up we've not got many actual plans this summer.


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