Tuesday 30 May 2017

The best laid plans ...

... sometimes don't go exactly to plan!  Our plan was to set off early but we actually slept until 7am this morning and that's late for us.
 ... so it was 9am before we untied and cast off from our lovely Henley mooring

 ... and were soon entering the Regatta area where rowers once again have no mirrors to see what's behind them!
 We stopped whilst they sorted themselves out and became visible in front of us.
During construction of the course boat travelling downstream use what will be the race lane, those going upstream (us) use the right hand side of the river.  When the regatta is actually happening all craft use this lane and it can be a bit stressful!
 Looking back - always a good picture even on a cloudy day
 We kept well over to the right and allowed the girls to overtake us in their own time - works a treat.
 Henley riverside is also another must have picture as we approach

The hedges are full of dog roses, their pink flowers glowing amongst the green
 Through the centre arch of Henley Bridge
 Looking back again.
Our original plan was to go up through Marsh and Shiplake Locks, get water, wind (turn) descend Shiplake again and cruise downstream to one of our favourite Thames moorings.
 Instead as we passed by the island we could see that the water tap on the visitor moorings was free so we did a U-turn at the end and pulled over
 Out came the two hoses and it just reached the tank
 Once done we continued upstream where this wide beam was pulling out on tickover 
 A Le Boat behind us having to slow right down too
The lock gates are open and he goes in, the lock keeper asks how long we are and says he thinks we'll just fit.  I then heard him calling for a narrowboat to come in too ...
 ... it was a very snug fit!
 We were soon past him once out of the lock

You may just be able to see where we're heading for to the left of Poplar Eyot and just above the hand-rail at the bow ... one of our favourite places ... and it's free as in available and at no cost ... what a bonus!
Looking back ... it's a bit busy!
A melancholy moment because the last time we moored here in September 16 on the way to our winter mooring ...

Molly was still with us enjoying her paddle, fetching sticks and just showing how clever she is sitting on the gangplank even though she was nearly totally blind.

We still miss her soooo much.


  1. This post made me smile for two reasons.

    (1) rowers drive me nuts. They seem to have no clue that a fat steel boat cannot move out of the way quickly ... and somehow this is 'my' problem' !! On our first year we missed the GU turn off the Thames and in some state of stress had to turn back against the tide, at which point we collected a random rower whilst at full power trying to beat the tide flow and get off the Thames.

    (2) I now hate Henley bridge as we managed to 'hit it' last year. For some reason (cue Carole???) we decided to follow a boat through the second arch and at the last minute panicked on the clearance and thought we'd ripe the entire wheelhouse off. It was the day after the storms and the wind was vicious (my excuse anyway). So full reverse and fend off. Which ended up with a torn roof caught on the underside of the bridge...and much bad language :(( The irony is that if I'd kept my nerve we would have made it. But your mind plays tricks when you think you are about to hit full on !! This year centre arch ONLY.

  2. We've had quite a few problems with rowers just the past couple of weeks, why they think the rules of navigation are not for them I don't know! You'll never think of trying the second arch again at Henley then I take it Paul!


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