Thursday 18 May 2017

Our stay at Cookham

Cookham Village hasn't changed much in well over 100 years ...

 I think we counted at least 8 pubs in the village, loads of restaurants and independent shops - in fact lots to see and do.

 This is apparently just one house!
 We've now seen all the babies - Mallards, Canada Geese, Egyptian Geese, Crested Grebe, Coot, Moorhen, Swans and Mandarin.
 Chris on fuel boat Merchant came by and filled the diesel tank
 Someone was celebrating on Saturday
 ... and sailing on Sunday
... before a beautiful evening sky.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Cookham, it's a lovely village and has been especially enjoyable because it's been festival week.  The visitor moorings are good with suitably spaced rings and boaters refuse bins nearby.  Jo will collect the mooring fees from you and at £6 per night or £30 for a week it's excellent value for staying in such nice surroundings.

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