Wednesday 26 April 2017

Waiting for the kettle to boil ...

 20 to 7 Saturday morning with my camera out of the kitchen window taking photo's of the swans ...

 Ooo, eer! swan with two necks!

... and a rower
I've been full of cold and sore throat so we've not been far hence no posts for a couple of days.


  1. You should get George to rub your chest with some Vic (other preparatory decongestants are available apparently) hope you are feeling better soon :)

    1. Thanks for the suggestion Kevin ... but wouldn't Sue have some thing to say about that ... lol!

    2. Before Sue launches her verbal missiles in my direction can I please clarify that I said 'SOME Vic' and NOT 'HER Vic'! But whatever floats your boat Carol ;)

      OK so I'm now running for cover... LOL

    3. You can stop now Kevin xx


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